Who Prevented The Judge Advocate?

R. Sargsyan

Hayots Ashkhar
Tuesday 26 February 2008

"After all, we have to establish rule of law on this land. I call
on you to protect your votes," the official who recently made this
statement on the Theatrical Square is first of all known to the public
as the country’s number one falsifier of election results and the
father of all electoral frauds and then – as the leader-manipulator
of the "investigative group" examining the "October 27" case.

Yes, Gagik Jhangiryan, who has been dismissed from the prosecutorial
system, "wouldn’t have been honest with himself" (as he himself
says) if he hadn’t stood by LTP, a person for whom he falsified
voting results and painted numbers and percentages during the 1995
parliamentary elections while being the Vice Chair of the Central
Election Commission (CEC), and for whom he speculated the case of
"27" so many times.

And thus, touching upon the case of "27" on February 22, Gagik
Jhangiryan made the following statement on the Theatrical Square,
"The proceeding of the separated part of the criminal case was
dismissed in an illegal manner. It was dismissed in gross violation
of the Criminal Procedure Code. And this separated part of the case
is still to be investigated."

And who prevented G. Jhangiryan from bringing the case of "27" to
the end? He was also an intimate friend of Prime Minister Vazgen
Sargsyan and after the terrorist act committed on October 27, 1999,
Aram Z. Sargsyan was the country’s Prime Minister for around 5 months,
and it was actually he that appointed Boris Nazaryan a Judge Advocate.

Let’s note that for a period of 2 years and 9 months the inquest of
the separated part of the criminal case was carried out by the Military
Prosecutor’s Office, under the direct supervision of Judge Advocate G.

Jhangiryan, and beginning March 14, 2003, it was transferred to the
Investigative Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office by the
recommendation of Prosecutor General Aram Tamazyan. During the whole
period, "all the possible operative and investigative measures were
taken, including 172 interrogations, a great number of confrontations,
inspections, confiscations and expertise," the General Prosecutor’s
Office reports.

The time limits for the inquest of the separated part were extended
25 times, and apart from the convicts (Nairi and Karen Hounanyans,
Eduard Grigoryan, Derenik Bedjanyan, Vram Galstyan, Ashot Knyazyan,
Hamlet Stepanyan), no other individuals involved in the crime, no
other organizers, perpetrators and accomplices were found.

So, by the substantiated decision made on November 11, 2004, the
proceeding of the criminal case was dismissed. Let’s note that before
making a decision on dismissing the case, the results of the inquest
were discussed on November 9, 2004, during the board session of the
General Prosecutor’s Office, and all the investigators (including those
from the Military Prosecutor’s Office), members of the police task
force, as well as Judge Advocate G. Jhangiryan, who was involved in
the inquest of the "October 27" criminal case and the part separated
thereof, were invited to and participated in the discussion in the
status of board members.

By the way, all the board members made speeches during the
discussion. G. Jhangiryan also made a speech (the details will be
available in our next publication), clearly underlining the importance
of dismissing the criminal proceeding and mentioning that the decision
(made on July 11, 2000) on separating a part from the criminal case
was illegal and imposed by the political situation.

According to him, the decision made on July 11, 2000 pursued a
goal to pacify the political tension. In response to that, Deputy
Prosecutor General G. Danielyan, one of the board members, noted
that the decision had produced an adverse effect, and the political
tension had intensified more.

The following question comes up: when did G. Jhangiryan, a person
speaking about law and justice, act within the scope of law, and when
was his conscience clear? When underlining the importance of dismissing
the proceeding of the criminal case, considering it illegal and imposed
by the political situation or when announcing that, "the proceeding of
the separated part of the criminal case was dismissed illegally"? Or,
maybe, like many others supporting LTP, G. Jhangiryan has a quality
of changing his color like a chameleon? Or else, he is suffering from
amnesia? Or, perhaps, like many others, G. Jhangiryan was also given
a promise of promotion after the colored revolution?

"It is at least strange that only 3 years after the decision on
dismissing the separated part of the criminal case does G. Jhangiryan
appeal against it, as during the past years the illegality of the
decision was never disputed or appealed against either by G. Jhangiryan
himself or anyone else, including the aggrieved and their legal
successors," the Press Secretary of the General Prosecutor’s Office
says in a surprised tone.