Vahan Hovhannesian Offers


AZG Armenian Daily

ARF Bureau member Vahan Hovhannesian offers an agenda of negotiations
in order to overcome the created crisis. It will weaken the tension
and be a start of a new process of deep democracy in the country.

According to Hovhannesian, a new system of elections is needed
to be formed that will exclude the possibility of all types of
infringements and sharply heighten self-confidence of people in
formation of the authorities at their own will, secondly, to create
real conditions for freedom of expression and speech in the country,
i.e. "Formation of National Commission of TV and Radio and leadership
of Public TV with participation of the political forces", thirdly,
to create conditions for the opposition providing full guarantees of
acting in the political system.

In this sense one of the various steps may be corresponding change
in the Regulations of National Assembly. Vahan Hovhannesian offers
to concentrate on these problems and with involvement of influential
political forces to start negotiations renouncing maximalism and
nowhere leading confrontation.