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Armenia’s outgoing President Robert Kocharyan has declared a state o

ABC Radio Australia
March 1 2008

Armenia’s outgoing President Robert Kocharyan has declared a state
of emergency in the capital Yerevan due to ongoing street protests.

The protests have lasted for ten days.

About eight thousand people participated in the Opposition rally on
Saturday over last month’s Presidential election result.

An AFP reporter says protesters and riot police clashed, with police
firing tear gas and automatic weapons into the air.

The reporter says demonstrators participating had been throwing
Molotov cocktails and stones.

The opposition, led by former president Levon Ter Petrosyan says a
February 19 vote electing Prime Minister Serzh Sarksyan as president
was fraudulent.

Mr Sarksyan is an ally of outgoing President Robert Kocharyan.

A statement from Mr Kocharyan’s media office says he has signed a
decree declaring the state of emergency until March 20 to prevent a
threat to constitutional order.

Zakarian Garnik:
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