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Head of the President’s staff told the foreign Ambassadors that the

Head of the President’s staff told the foreign Ambassadors that the
authorities are full of determination to bring to responsibility the
organizers of unrest

March 2, 2008

Yerevan /Mediamax/. By the order of the Armenian President Robert
Kocharian, the Head of the President’s Staff Armen Gevorgian met today
with the Ambassadors of the OSCE participant-states and the Heads of
Representative Offices of international organizations.

Mediamax reports that during the meeting, the situation, present in
Yerevan late March 1, was presented, the actions of the Armenian
authorities were made clear for the diplomats, in particular, the
facts for announcing state of emergency in Yerevan.

Armen Gevorgian stated that the Armenian authorities took up the
necessary measures established by the law for establishing order in
Yerevan and suppressing illegal actions.

Head of the Armenian President’s Staff stressed that the authorities
are full of determination to bring to responsibility the organizers,
instigators and the executors of disturbances.

Kharatian Ani:
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