US calls for end to violence in Armenia

US calls for end to violence in Armenia

March 2, 2008

Yerevan /Mediamax/. The United States has spoken with Armenia’s
government and opposition leaders to urge a resumption of political
dialogue and an end to violent clashes.

"Both sides are responsible for helping to re-establish order and
return to political dialogue. Any unlawful actions such as violence
and looting worsen the situation and must stop," Sean McCormack,
spokesman for the US State Department, said in a statement March 1.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
Daniel Fried had spoken with Armenian Prime Minisiter Serzh Sarkisian,
while the US Charge d’affaires in Armenia had been in touch with
the opposition.

"The US deeply regrets todays unrest in Yerevan, Armenia, and calls on
all sides to avoid further violence, act fully within the law, exercise
maximum restraint, and resume political dialogue," McCormack said.

"We hope that the state of emergency declared today will be lifted
promptly and that political dialogue resumes," McCormack said.