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Armenia Assaulted by Orange Agents

Armenia Assaulted by Orange Agents

Perhaps the empire just doesn’t get it. They need to re-examine their
despicable, foolish and devious scheme to bring an orange scenario to an
embattled, besieged Armenia. Under blockade by neighboring Turkey and
Azerbaijan, Armenia continues to prosper despite some instances of
corruption and economic isolation. Armenia is not fertile ground for any
sort of orange scenario. Armenians are generally politically astute,
pro-Russian and not easily swayed. They are also acutely aware of the fact
that there is no future for them as vassals of the empire.
Armenian history is said to be 12,000 years old, and Mt. Ararat is the
historic scene where Noah`s Ark is said to have rested, a revered and
treasured Armenian landmark. An archeologist’s dream come true, Armenia is a
land of quaint churches and elaborately and meticulously carved khatchkars
(Orthodox crosses).
Constant and reliable, the centuries old friendship and alliance with Russia
is unshakable. Most Armenians are aware of the fact that there probably
would be no Armenia if not for Russia. No plots or schemes by the empire are
going to change that reality.
The empire also wins no friends among Armenians for its consistent policy of
Genocide denial. These policies go beyond the geo-political considerations
given as an excuse, such as the US base in occupied Western Armenia, under
control of Turkey and their alliances with Armenian enemies Turkey, Israel
and Azerbaijan. And then there are the oil pipelines…constructed to bypass
Armenia, a country in a strategic position between east and west, a
crossroads as it were.
As a result of the Armenian Genocide of 1894-1923, Armenians lost most of
their homeland and over 1.5 million Armenians were murdered in the most
horrendous and brutal fashion imaginable and unimaginable. To this day, no
Nuremberg trials, no compensation or apology have occurred. Therefore, the
memory of this tragedy in an ongoing issue of importance to Armenians.
In Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosian is generally despised for his corrupt
ruinous policies while President of Armenia. He is also despised for
proffering the notion that the recently liberated Armenian land of Artsakh
(Nagorno-Karabakh) should be returned to Azerbaijan. Artsakh is now an
independent country. The US regime is financially backing Ter-Petrosian and
causing trouble in the background. Ter-Petrosian had the strange idea that
he had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning an election to be President.
Fat chance. Now he sends agitators to do his bidding, a la Soros funding,
all the best agitators money and the empire can buy.
On Public Armenian Television, Armenian Parliament Speaker Tigran Torosian
told the following of his knowledge of events:
`These people decided who the winner is five minutes after the election.
This is their characteristic feature. I learned about my alleged resignation
>From journalists. Levon Ter-Petrosian and his team-mates have exhausted the
sources of lies which exceed all possible borders,’ the speaker said. `They
spread lies about all and offense all those who are not with them. They are
filled with hatred and revenge,’ he said.
"OK, let’s say all the grenades, pistols and automatics were planted by the
regime, what do you have to say about all those hooligans with rods and
sticks, beating the police, throwing bricks and stones, burning cars
including busses and an ambulance, looting shops and supermarkets?"
According to various local reports, 8 persons were killed in orange
demonstrations as the Army was called in to restore the peace. They also
report that Opera and Republican Square are swarming with army troops and
military police armed to the teeth with AK-47s, belt-fed battle rifles and
there are dozens of light tanks in both locations. In addition to that,
there are troops scattered in posts all over the city and on all the roads
into the city. One hundred and thirty-one persons were reported injured in
the March 1 disturbances.
An on the scene observer sent this report:
"Hi, this morning I walked from the Opera House until Mashtoz Underpass.
Everything was just fine. Police closed the underpass toward city hall and
near the French embassy where they made a mess. My friend 8:30 at night went
everywhere with the exception of closed areas and found calm…all shops are
open and traffic is normal, 8 people got killed and about 30 people got
arrested for looting, all young guys."
Interior troops and police officers suffered bullet wounds and injuries in
the March 1 clashes with rioters in Yerevan. On his visit to the hospital,
President Kocharian was accompanied by police chief Hayk Harutyunian and
other officials. Kocharian went from one hospital ward to another and spoke
to officers and servicemen. Hospital chief, Arthur Petrosian, said they
admitted 33 wounded officers and servicemen on March 1 until 8.30 pm and 27
others after 9 pm. He said 11 received bullet wounds, eight were
hospitalized with heavy symptoms of gas poisoning, 2 received knife wounds.
Seven servicemen went to their quarters after receiving first aid and 11
others were operated on. The chief of the hospital said their condition is
satisfactory now. At the end of February, prior to the breakout of violence,
a vehicle was apprehended trying to enter the country loaded with weapons
and ammunition.
On March 1, 2008, Armenia’s President Robert Kocharian declared a 2-day
state of emergency in compliance of article 55.6 of the RA (Republic of
Armenia) Constitution (threat to state and population security).
Fortunately, anti-terrorist, anti-orange scenario joint exercises were held
by Armenia and Russia in anticipation of such occurrences. Meanwhile the
empire is mouthing duplicitous, hypocritical words about `excessive use of
Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Terry Davis said, `The state of
emergency suspends the application of several rights and freedoms protected
by the European Convention on Human Rights. Under Article 15 of the
Convention the Armenian Government must inform me of the measures which it
has taken and the reasons therefore. I expect that they will do so without
any delay,’ the Council of Europe press division reports.

The recent presidential elections in Armenia saw Serzh Sarksyan, Kocharian’s
number two man, elected as President of Armenia. The voting result was
unmistakable: Serzh Sarkisyan – 862,369 (52,82%) votes, Levon
Ter-Petrosian – 351,222 (21,5%).votes.
The February 19th presidential elections were not only characterized as
`free and fair’ by the CIS observers, but also received the positive
assessments of the Western observation missions. The observation mission of
the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which stands out in terms of its strict and
meticulous attitude towards the electoral processes held in former USSR
territories, clearly recorded that, `The presidential elections held in
Armenia on February 19 were mostly in line with the commitments to the OSCE
and the Council of Europe.’ But this didn’t satisfy the orange agitators.
Kocharian, throughout his term as President, has had a warm, brotherly
relationship with his counterpart in Russia, Vladimir Putin. Like the
outgoing president, Robert Kocharian, Mr. Sarkisyan is from Artsakh
(Nagorno-Karabakh). Both men were commanders in the war.
The newly elected Armenian President released this message to the people:
`Dear Compatriots,

In consequence of the recent events, our people suffered great losses. There
are casualties among policemen, who performed their duty, and among
protesters, who fell under the influence of a group of people. Hundreds of
civilians suffered from illegal acts of the radical opposition.

Leaders of the co-called `movement’ made targets of their own supporters and
policemen to suit their own ends. The initiators of disorders must answer
for their deeds before the law, history and generations. With pain, I
conceive that our compatriots fell victim to blind hatred of some
individuals. I share your grief and wish you courage and strength to
overcome this tragedy…’
As the cleanup crew mitigates the after effects of the recent lawlessness,
one can only hope that the street sweepers will also sweep away the trash
known as orange agent provocateurs and leave this proud, struggling nation
in peace.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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