Armenian PM Receives Matthew Brysa


March 6, 2008

YEREVAN, MARCH 6, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsian
received today U.S. Assistant State Secretary, OSCE Minsk Group
U.S. co-chairman Matthew Bryza. At the meeting present also were U.S.

charge d’affaires Joseph Pennington and responsible on the political
and economic affairs Steven Banks.

Governmental press service told Armenpress that during the meeting
the sides referred to the post-electoral situation created in Armenia
and possibilities of getting out of it as soon as possible. They also
spoke about the efforts for preventing violation of ceasefire regime
registered on March 4 and issues on regulation of Armenian-Turkish

Matthew Bryza said that he has been sent to Armenia for having a
complete idea of what had happened.

M. Bryza said that before the meeting he heard the constructive speech
of Serzh Sargsian at the government’s session and is very happy for
the accents he made in his speech.

"It was what I was expecting to hear from you during the meeting but
you have already said it during the session," M. Bryza said.

According to him, it is time to eliminate the tension in the country,
everyone must take the responsibility and realize that the positive
which Armenia had before the created situation must be restored.

Speaking about the declared state of emergency and noting that it
cannot last forever and efforts must be exerted towards the regulation
of the issue, Matthew Bryza agreed with the prime minister that the
state of emergency is a tool which lets loosen the tension and direct
the processes to the normal state.

Serzh Sargsian noted that during today’s session of the government
no new statement has been made: he repeated what he has been voicing
for several months.

He pointed out the necessity of continuing the dialogue with those
who want to work with the authorities and those who do not want are
also our citizens who may act within law, but if they violate it they
must bear the responsibility for their actions.

He noted that the Armenian authorities will be fighting against
extremists. According to the prime minister, for stabilizing the
situation objective and right assessments must be given from all
the sides.

"I think that we have a lot to do and we will really fight for
stabilizing the situation in the country and continuing the
implementation of reforms.

I am sure we will succeed in it. Now we need only state and order,"
Serzh Sargsian said.

During the meeting Matthew Bryza noted that during the past few years
he had an opportunity to know Serzh Sargsian better, discuss with
him issues which are in the agenda of bilateral relations.

"You are a special leader. We will principally support you. I and
U.S. charge d’affaires think that you have the vision and approaches
which we want to see for the implementation of joint programs. We
want you and Armenia to succeed," Bryza said.