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Armenian President: Artillery Was Used At The Front Line Long Ago


2008-03-06 10:10:00

ArmInfo. It is necessary to restore normal cease-fire regime along the
whole line of contact between the armed forces of Armenia, Nagornyy
Karabakh and Azerbaijan, Armenian President Robert Kocharyan said at
the press-conference today when commenting at certain tension at the
contact line.

He also added that according to the night information, one of the
front line posts of Nagornyy Karabakh was attacked on the night of
the 3/4 March. The post was occupied by subdivisions of Azerbaijani
armed forces. Then very fast and resolute answering actions took
place and status-quo was restored.

There are two wounded persons from the Armenian party – an officer
wounded in the hand and a serviceman wounded as a result of an
anti-personal mine explosion. The president also said that as a result
of talks they managed to reach an agreement on cease-fire. ‘There was
a moment when the positions were pounded by mine-throwers, especially
when they were taken back by defence forces of Karabakh. Artillery
was used at the front line long ago’, – Kocharyan said and added
that Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan and Defence Minister
Mikael Harutyunyan had a contact with OSCE personal representative
of OSCE chairman-in-office, envoy Andrzej Kasprzyk being in Baku at
the moment. ‘I think we can correct the incident. Normal cease-fire
regime along the entire contact should be restored. Maybe they thought
in Azerbaijan that the situation in Armenia remitted watchfulness of
the armed forces in Karabakh. Maybe they thought that big military
subdivisions were removed from Karabakh. I can say, this is not
so. Battle efficiency still remains at the needed level. And I do
not think that it is politically correct to use such situations for
other purposes’, – R.Kocharyan emphasized.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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