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OSCE President Concerned With Armstice Break


16:15 06/03/2008

The Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation
in Europe (OSCE) Ilkka Kanerva announced that he was concerned with
the armistice break in the NKR and Azerbaijan border line.

"In this definite period of Nagorno Karabakh regulation negotiations
every step which could lead to destabilization of the condition
could have its negative impact on it. I offer the sides to avoid
such activities which could cause fatal conclusion," is mentioned in
president’s announcement.

Kanerva announced that he carries out negotiations with both Armenian
and Azeri sides and signified the importance of peace in the region.

Note that according to the Defense Ministry of Armenia, on 4 March
at 05:00 Azeri soldiers broke the armistice regime and shot at NKR
and Azerbaijan border line near Martakert. In the result of shooting
two Armenian soldiers were injured but eight of Azeri soldiers died.

Chakrian Hovsep:
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