Categories: News

S. Sargsyan’s Approach To Post Election Activities


16:57 06/03/2008

"I would like to stress once more that happened what we diagnosed some
month ago, but we did not manage to prevent it, thus if we could not
then we are guilty," said the Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan in the
government session.

He said that the results should be carefully discussed and
liquidated. "We had fatal cases, material and image lost in the
international authorities," he said and added that the municipality
of Yerevan and the Ministry of Finance should present the situation
and make some proposals.

The Prime Minister mentioned that a dialogue should be held among
people. The president-elect Prime Minister said that he noticed some
passiveness in carrying out labor duties, particularly connected with
the international organizations, and generally with presenting the
situation in its proper way.

S. Sargsyan notified that Armenian Army proved that it was a stable
institution which met created difficulties. He said that all the
guilty should answer beyond the court, "This is not a promise, this
is a duty which I have to carry out," he said.

Tamamian Anna:
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