All The Facts To Be Represented To The International Community


Hayots Ashkhar
Published on March 07, 2008

Interview with RA Assistant to the President Vigen Sargsyan.

`Mr. Sargsyan based on what does the Presidency of the European Union
propose to cancel the state of emergency in Yerevan?’

`Firstly I must underscore that most international organizations
haven’t responded negatively. There are only one, two cases of similar
proposals, the reason of which is either lack of information or even
disinformation. This also means the activity of some representatives of
international organizations in our country is far from perfect. Our
authorities provide large-scale unbiased information for all the
international organizations acting in Armenia and have expressed
readiness to give additional information in case of necessity,
regarding the materials they are interested in.

At this stage we are going to represent the exact chronicle of the
events, as well as factual commentaries, to clarify the circumstances,
which led to the necessity of announcing state of emergency.

After all everyone is well conscious that in all the European countries
any attempt of an attack on the police, is considered a tensed
situation and is immediately followed by a state of emergency. And when
more than eight policemen are injured and one police officer is killed,
then regardless of the political context and the motives of what has
happened the situation automatically leads to state of emergency.

The police are the main body to keep law and order in the country. And
when it comes to not only disobeying the demands of the police but also
aggressively attacking them, then the state has to swiftly avert
similar manifestations. Otherwise the internal situation in the state
will turn into chaos, independent of the political regime, financial
and economic power of the state.’

`If there isn’t lack of information, then how can you explain this
misunderstanding? To what extent does the solution initiated by our
authorities contradict European practice?’

`The main reason of the misunderstanding is also visible. The internal
political domain is quite accomplished, in the countries, which give us
similar piece of advice. They can’t even imagine, that the presidential
candidate, running the second in the presidential elections, can start
illegal actions, which is actually equal to a suicide for any political

The political liability in these countries is much higher. They can’t
even perceive, that the ex-president who obtained 21% votes besides
provoking disorder, also calls for disobedience, provides his
supporters with arms, proposes to build barricades.

We possess many facts to prove all this and there is no need for
additional groundings.

Our principle task at this stage is to represent all the facts to the
international community. We also have juridical obligation to give this
information to those international structures where Armenia is admitted
as a member as well as report about all the measures taken, during the
state of emergency.