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Armenian, Azerbaijani Presidents unlikely to meet in near future


Armenian, Azerbaijani Presidents unlikely to meet in near future
07.03.2008 14:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Robert Kocharian and Ilham Aliyev
are unlikely to meet in the near future,’ RA
President’s spokesman Victor Soghomonyan told a
briefing in Yerevan. `There is only a month left
before April 9 and the possibility of a meeting is too
vague. Anyway, like it has always been, every
opportunity will be taken for organization of a
presidential meeting.’

Mr Soghomonyan also informed that President Kocharian
met with OSCE Minsk Group U.S. Co-chair Matthew Bryza
to discuss violations of ceasefire at the dividing
line of the NKR and Azeri armed forces. `We are
hopeful that provocations will be stopped,’ the
spokesman said.

Inauguration of President-elect Serzh Sargsyan is
scheduled for April 9.

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