`Color revolution’ attempt in Armenia was doomed to failure


`Color revolution’ attempt in Armenia was doomed to failure
07.03.2008 15:41 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `There was an attempt to carry out a
`color revolution’ in Armenia but it was doomed to
failure,’ Armenia’s Prime Minister and President-elect
Serzh Sargsyan told Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

`Initiators of recent disorders did not take into
account Armenia’s distinction from those countries
where `color revolutions’ were a success. First, the
authorities enjoy respect of the population. Second,
most of Armenian citizens stand for evolution
development observed during last 7 years. The forces,
which plunged Armenia into darkness in 1990-ies, tried
to take revenge,’ PM Sargsyan said.