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Government to give boost to corn and grains cultivation



YEREVAN, MARCH 7, ARMENPRESS: The government of
Armenia adopted a decision Thursday to give a boost to
cultivation of corn. Agricultural minister David
Lokian said local poultry farms are using imported
corn to feed chickens, which he said is very costly in
view of transport expenses.
Speaking to journalists after the government
session, the minister said the government plans to
implement corn-growing program in Tavush and Lori
He said contracts were signed with several farmers
in both provinces who have pledged to cultivate 15,000
tons of corn. The government has also bought harvest
combines and seeders to help implement the program.
The minister said the government wants to include
other provinces in the program, particularly, the
provinces of Ararat, Armavir and Aragatsotn.
Lokian said the government will bring 7,000 extra
tons of fertilizers to sell to farmers at subsidized
prices. The government will cover part of the price in
the amount of 1.6 billion Drams. The price of one
50-kg sack will remain unchanged-3,500 Drams (a little
over $11), he said.
According to the minister, the government plans
also to give a boost to grain production as the
country has to import up to 450,000 tons annually as
prices of grain continue to rise. He said the
government has developed a plan of actions to make
Armenia grain self-sufficient in 2-3 years. He said
the government is ready to establish a fixed price of
110 drams per one kg of grain, while the price is now
70-80 kg. Average yield from one hectare in Armenia is
about 2,500 kg, a low index on world scale.
Armenia imports annually 530,000 tons of grain,
including forage grain, mainly from Russia and USA.
Some 370,000 tons, including 180,00 tons of
domestically-grown grain are consumed by bakeries.

Tashjian Arbi:
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