Karabakh problem should be resolved peacefully,w/ mutual concessions


Karabakh problem should be resolved peacefully, on
basis of mutual concessions
07.03.2008 14:45 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `I do think that the Nagorno
Karabakh problem should be resolved peacefully, on the
basis of reasonable mutual concessions,’ Armenia’s
Prime Minister and President-elect Serzh Sargsyan told
Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

`I come from Nagorno Karabakh. I was born, grew up and
occupied senior posts there. I know the core of the
problem. My stand on it underwent no changes during 15
years. I presented my vision of resolution in my
election program and the votes I received testify that
the Armenian public approves my approaches.

`How paradoxically it may sound, I think that
Azerbaijan should recognize the right of Karabakhi
people to self-determination while Armenia should
recognize Azerbaijan’s right to territorial integrity.
Ex facte, these two approaches are incompatible but
understanding each other’s problems we can find a
reasonable solution,’ he said.

Asked whether recognition of Kosovo’s independence can
set a precedent for Karabakh, PM Sargsyan said, `We do
not eye the Kosovo issue as precedent for resolution
of the Nagorno Karabakh problem. Each conflict has
different causes, development dynamics and ways of
settlement. But we welcome each nation which succeeds
in asserting the right to self-determination.’