Raffi Hovhannisyan met Bryza


16:17 08/03/2008


Yesterday the head of `Heritage’ party Raffi
Hovhannisyan received the US Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State, OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairman
Matthew Bryza and US Charge d’Affaires Joseph

According to the press department of the party,
several regional, and Armenian inner political
development questions were discussed in the meeting.
Later on Bryza met with the party members Anahit
BAkhshyan and Stepan Safaryan. The deputies presented
their approaches of overcoming the created situation
in Armenia.

The same day, Raffi Hovhannisyan met with John
Prescott, the Chairman of the PACE Ad-hoc Committee to
Observe the Presidential elections in Armenia. They
discussed the incidents happened on 19 February, post
election period in the country.

Source: Panorama.am