The Only Way To Cure `Headache’


Hayots Ashkhar
Published on March 07, 2008

To Continue The Process Of Reforms

In response to our questions, MP from `Bargavach Hayastan’ fraction,
Chair of the standing Committee on the Issues of European Integration
Avet Adonts touches upon the responses of the European structures, and
the officials of the US State Department regarding the mass disorder in

`The first reaction of the international community and the European
structures was naturally going to be negative. What happened was really
unprecedented: lots of injured, 8 people died, by the way, not 80, 100
or 200, as it is speculated these days. And after all this, it is
impossible to expect other assessments.

It is another issue that these assessments are not always adequate to
the reality. And lack of information is also evident. People hear
rumors from different sources, which is far from reality. When they
familiarize themselves with the real developments of the events their
response to what has happened is more reserved and impartial.

For example the Special Representative of OSCE Chairman, Heike
Talvitie, visited Armenia he met the President of the Republic, Levon
Ter-Petrosyan and leaders of other political powers, after which he
drew certain conclusions and by the way his assessment was rather
unbiased. We have set a task to provide international organizations
with complete information and Foreign Ministry works actively in this

I’m confident at present they have the clear picture of what happened.
They know that an uncontrolled, armed crowd resisted the police,
something that is more than intolerable for any country. We have seen
lots of cases in the same democratic countries, how they treat those
who try to resist law enforcement bodies. But in this case we deal with
an organized confrontation. It is difficult to call these people
opposition. Opposition should not be armed with explosives, iron
sticks, guns and grenades. It was a special group with self-made
equipments to cause bodily injuries to start `war’ with the police.
What happened near the Municipality, was before planned and not 10 days
back, it was a consequence of many months’ purposeful planning.’

`Is it possible to restore the atmosphere of trust in society, in case
when Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s supporters do their best to make the
situation more tensed and to intensify the confrontation?’

`Unfortunately they use dirty technologies, which were prepared long
before the elections. Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s team masters these
technologies. And they are ready to act even in state of emergency, by
means of gossips, rumors. And by the way they partially manage to
achieve their end. The situation is tight; when you walk in the streets
you don’t see smiling faces. And in such circumstances similar rumors
spread very swiftly and in many cases people don’t treat them sensibly.’