Categories: News

The State Of Emergency Mitigated


10.03.2008 15:30

As it is known on March 1st RA President Robert Kocharyan signed a
decree on declaring a state of emergency in Yerevan in compliance
with Articles 55.14 and 117.6 of RA Constitution.

Today President Kocharyan signed a decree on implementing amendments
in the decree dated March 1, 2008. RA President’s Spokesman Viktor
Soghomonyan presented the decree to mass media representatives today.

The Spokesman noted that taking into consideration that no violation
of the state of emergency has been registered in Yerevan, noting the
stabilization of the domestic political situation, having the objective
to ensure the soon return of the country and the population to normal
life, RA President Robert Kocharyan signed a decree on abolishing
parts 6 and 7 of the 4th point of the decree, which provided for

Temporary interruption of activities of parties and other public
organizations, which hinder the elimination of the conditions that
served as a basis for imposing the state of emergency;

Extradition of violators of the legal regime of the state of emergency
who do not reside in the given area

Viktor Soghomonayn noted also that specialists at RA President’s Office
are working in the direction of finding other legal solutions to the
provision of the decree on emergency on restriction of mass media
activity, which will enable to mitigate the level of restrictions.

Nahapetian Lilit:
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