Nagorno-Karabakh Parliament’s Factions Adopted Statement In Connecti


DeFacto Agency
March 13 2008

YEREVAN, 13.03.08. DE FACTO. March 12 the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
National Assembly’s deputy factions adopted a statement in connection
with the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Kosovo Parliament
on February 17, 2008.

IAA DE FACTO quotes the statement’s full text: "The factions of the
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic National Assembly, -supporting the right to
self-determination, -welcoming the international community’s stand in
the issue referring to the respect of human rights and civil rights of
the majority of Kosovo’s population, -ascertaining that for decades
Azerbaijan’s authorities consecutively pursued discrimination policy
against the Nagorno-Karabakh’s native Armenian population, restricted
its civil rights, carried out ethnic cleansings and forced deportation,
the tragic consequences of which could be prevented exclusively via
well-organized self-defense, -considering that thus Azerbaijan,
since the moment of juridical registration of the Soviet Union’s
disintegration, has lost all legal and moral grounds to exercise state
power in respect of Nagorno-Karabakh, -expressing regret over human
losses and hardship in the course of the conflict and especially during
the stage of armed confrontation, -hoping that mutually acceptable
decision, which guarantees international recognition of the fact
of Nagorno-Karabakh’s free self-determination, can be achieved via
talks, urge the world parliaments to be consistent in the issue of
recognition of the states formed on the basis of the nations’ right
to self-determination and to refrain from double standards".

The statement was signed: on behalf of the Democracy faction – by
Vahram Atanesian, on behalf of the Motherland faction – by Arthur
Tovmasian, on behalf of the ARFD-Movement-88 – by Armen Sargsian.