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BAKU: Istanbul Hosts Symposium On "Armenian Issue: Truths And Lies"


Azeri Press Agency
March 21 2008

Istanbul. Mayis Alizade. Turkish Women Lobby (TUKAL) has held a
symposium on "Armenian Issue: truths and lies" , reports APA Bureau
in Turkey.

Yusuf Halacoðlu, head of the Turkish Historical Society (TTK), showed
the original edition and copy of the order by Talat Pasha to squash
falsification by Armenians.

He said a plot was drafted on the eve of the World War I to divide the
Ottoman Empire. According to him, Russia and the West then planned to
use Armenians in Anatolia to implement the plot. He said 23 revolts
by Armenians were not accidental during 1914-15.

He said the thieves, who attacked Armenians when they were being
transferred to other places, and the then-officials, who failed to
fulfill their duties, were sentenced to death by military tribunals.

Aygun Attar, vice-rector of Giresun University, touched upon
deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia during 1948-53, saying the
world community still remained indifferent to the deportations.

He said some intellectuals, who often request the Turkish government to
open borders with Armenia, enjoy some financial linkage with Armenian
dispora in the West.

Eurasia Strategic Research Center Chairman Prof. Omer Lutem talked
about international aspects of the "Armenian issue"

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Ekmekjian Janet:
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