BAKU: Azerbaijan’s Ambassador To Russia: OSCE Minsk Group Finds Them


Azeri Press Agency
March 25 2008

Baku. Tamara Grigorieva-APA. In an interview to Nezavismaya Newspaper,
Polad Bulbuloghlu, Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Russian, spoke about
the prospects of the conflicts in the post-Soviet area.

Referring to Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin’s statement that a
solution to the Transdniester dispute through a mechanism of peace and
mutual understanding within the territorial integrity of the country
may be nearing, Polad Bulbuloghlu said this precedent, but not that
of Kosovo, would be a key to the settlement of the other conflicts.

He added that Azerbaijan will resort to any possible options to
achieve the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Touching upon an Azerbaijan-authored recent resolution adopted by the
United Nations General Assembly that calls for immediate, complete,
and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from all the occupied
territories of Azerbaijan, Polad Bulbuloghlu noted that it is obviously
known who put pressure on some countries to abstain in the voting.

"The OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs (a three-member group of co-chairs from
Russia, the United States and France working to lead to a peaceful
resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict between Azerbaijan and
Armenia) put themselves in a difficult situation, by voting against
the resolution. They violated the core principle of the mediation –
neutrality. How can they now mediate between to find a solution,"
he added.
From: Baghdasarian