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Advocacy Week Generates Increased Cosponsors


26.03.2008 10:39

The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR)
reports that 5 Members of the United States House of Representatives
have recently joined in support of Darfur related legislation as

Anti-genocide activists from numerous western states traveled to
Washington, D.C. to participate in a joint advocacy week organized by
the Armenian National Committee of America and Genocide Intervention
Network (GIN).

Activists provided informational materials and support for legislation
related to the ongoing crisis in Darfur and the Armenian Genocide

"We must stop the genocide in Darfur," stated ANCA-WR Executive
Director Andrew Kzirian. "Activists help to create the will that
supports these important pieces of legislation in the House and Senate
– and together we can educate our elected officials as to why it is so
critically important to act and end the cycle of genocide," he added.

The various areas of legislation discussed included H. Res. 106 (the
Armenian Genocide resolution), H. Res. 1011 and S. Res. 470, which
call for a comprehensive regional strategy for Chad, Central African
Republic and Darfur, Sudan. Also brought up was S. Res. 455, which
calls for peace in Darfur, implementation of the Sudan Accountability
and Divestment Act and supplemental funding for the peacekeeping
mission in Darfur.

During advocacy week, over 100 meetings were held with numerous
congressman and information regarding the Armenian Genocide and key
Darfur legislation was communicated to all Senate and House offices

Felekian Ara:
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