Armenian Genocide 93rd Anniversary To Be Marked In New York


26.03.2008 15:11 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian National Committee of New York will
host the 93rd Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide at City Hall
Chambers on April 25th at 5:30 P.M. The evening will feature Professor
Henry Theriault of Worcester State College as the main speaker and
Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, who will address the community and give
the invocation, reported the ANC-NYC.

"While causing New York’s Armenian community to reflect thoughtfully
on the horrible catastrophe that befell our people, Dr. Theriault
will also connect the Armenian Cause to the broader struggle for
advancing international human rights," said Doug Geogerian of the
Armenian National Committee of New York.

Elected official at the local, state and federal levels will attend
and pay tribute to the systematic murder of 1.5 million Armenians,
a genocide, which the perpetrator, the Turkish government, continues
to deny to this day. The commemoration will also include musical work
performed in memory of the crime committed against the Armenian nation.

The evening’s main speaker will be Dr. Henry Theriault, who has
written extensively on the subject of genocide and the dispossession
of indigenous peoples. While he has dealt at length with the Armenian
case, which concerns his own ancestry, Theriault’s work is broad and
examines the impact of genocide against Africans, Native Americans
and other victim groups.