BAKU: Dennis Sammut: "The Region Has Huge Potential That Is Suffocat



March 26 2008

The Executive Director of LINKS Dennis Sammut answered questions put
by the correspondent of the Armenpress News Agency on the work of
the OSCE Minsk Group.

– What is your attitude towards the process of breaking up OSCE Minsk
Group started by Azerbaijan?

– I know that Azerbaijan has been increasingly critical of the OSCE
Minsk Process. I have spoken in the past on the need to evaluate
how this process has developed and the need to strengthen it. After
fifteen years of negotiations in this framework it would be very odd
if such an evaluation does not take place.

However I am certainly against breaking up the Minsk process unless
an alternative arrangement to which both sides agree is in place.

– The Armenian side has many times stated that the Minsk Group has not
exhausted itself and expressed readiness to continue the negotiations
with the existing format. How will you comment on Azerbaijani behavior,
which is trying to step back from the negotiation process by stirring
the current format?

– There are many ways in which the Minsk process can be energized
without breaking it up. Armenia does not need to make this an article
of faith and nor should anybody else. If Armenia and Azerbaijan are
genuinely committed to a peaceful solution of the Karabakh conflict
they need to agree on what is the best format to achieve this. The
peace processes that have been most successful are those that have been
most flexible. However changing the structure of the peace process
on its own will not solve anything. It is important both countries
negotiate in good faith.

– What format may be considered an alternative for continuing the
negotiations? Will the international community consider the military
way of conflict regulation acceptable?

– As far as I know Azerbaijan’s position is to reserve the right
for a military solution if all else fails. I do not think all else
has failed. I very strongly believe that a peaceful solution to the
Karabakh problem is possible. The two sides are at the moment only
using unilateral negative tactics. They can also use unilateral
positive tactics.

The region has huge potential that is suffocated by the Karabakh
conflict. In making their calculations the leaders of the region need
to factor this in as well. This is not a luxury; it is their duty to
their citizens. I do not think that wars solve anything in the South
Caucasus which is why for me the military option is not acceptable.