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ANC-WR Meets Governer Dukakis at AHC Banquet

Armenian National Committee – Western Region
104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
Glendale, California 91206
Phone: 818.500.1918
Fax: 818.246.7353

March 27, 2008

Contact: Ani Garabedian

ANC-WR Meets Governor Dukakis at AHC Banquet

Los Angeles, CA – On March 22, 2008, the Armenian National Committee –
Western Region (ANC-WR) joined the Greek American community at the
American Hellenic Council’s (AHC) 33rd Annual Honors Dinner Dance held
at the OMNI Hotel in Los Angeles. ANC-WR Chairman Vicken
Sonentz-Papazian, ANC-WR Executive Director Andrew Kzirian and ANC-WR
Community Relations Director Haig Hovsepian attended the event along
with ANC activist Boghos Patatian and ANC-WR volunteers Theodora
Giallouri and Elli Menounou, both graduate students studying political

"The American Hellenic Council is to be strongly commended for its
work in representing the interests of the Greek American community",
said Kzirian. "Like our organization, the AHC is committed to raising
awareness of human rights concerns while helping to develop leaders
and advocates in the community – we look forward to continuing our
strong relationship with the Greek American community and the AHC," he

This annual event, hosted by the American Hellenic Council (AHC), a
Greek American, grassroots advocacy organization, honors dedicated
individuals who have demonstrated leadership in and continue to make a
difference for the Hellenic Cause. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
(D-CA-16), Dr. Chrysostomos L. Max Nikias (Provost and Senior Vice
President of Academic Affairs, USC) and Peter Demopoulos (President of
the Hellenic University Club) were among those honored during the
evening’s program. The evening also featured the radio voice of the
Los Angeles Lakers, Spero Dedes and Glendale City Clerk Ardashes
Kassakhian as co-masters of ceremonies.

The ANC-WR enjoys an amicable relationship with the AHC and Greek
American community. The ANC-WR stood in solidarity with the AHC when
it raised concerns regarding a joint educational program between San
Diego State University and Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus.
In addition, Greek Americans consistently join Armenian Americans in
Congressional meetings and government affairs work.

The Armenian National Committee – Western Region is the largest and
most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in
the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of
offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States
and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANC-WR advances
the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of


Photo Caption: Former Presidential Nominee, Governor Michael Dukakis
(center), joined by (from left to right) Andrew Kzirian, Angineh
Kzirian and Haig Hovsepian.

Kalantarian Kevo:
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