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Average Salary Exceeds The Cost Of Living 2.5 Times


28-03-2008 11:17:07

According to the NKR National Statistics Service, the labor resource
of NKR was 81.6 thousand in 2007 and was up by 1.6 percent compared
with 2006. The economically active population totaled 59.1 percent,
which was up by 1.5 percent compared with 2006. As of January 1, 2008
the number of people employed in economy was 56.1 thousand compared
with 54.6 thousand in 2006, including 15.1 thousand self-hired people
and 41 thousand wage earners. 23.5 thousand people of working age did
not work or look for jobs, compared with 23.1 thousand people in 2006.

In 2007, according to the NSS, the average monthly wage of people
employed in the economy was 68,610 drams, and was up by 21 percent
compared with 2006. In addition, the monthly wage of people employed
in offices and organizations funded by the government was 77,235 drams
and was up by 20.2 percent compared with 2006. The monthly wage of
people employed in commercial and non-commercial organizations was
62,641 drams and was up by 21.8 percent.

In the fourth quarter of 2007, the ratio of the minimum salary to
the average salary was 26 percent, and to the cost of living was
64.3 percent.

The ratio of the average monthly wage to the cost of living was
247.3 percent.

Nanijanian Alex:
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