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"The View" Hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar Defend Jack Kevorkian’s

by Steven Ertelt

March 26 2008

New York, NY (LifeNews.com) — Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar,
longtime hosts of the chatty television program "The View," praised
Jack Kevorkian in a recent episode. Following news that Kevorkian
has planned a Congressional bid, they praised him for killing more
than 130 people in assisted suicides and murdering a disabled patient.

Kevorkian, a convicted murderer and assisted suicide crusader, made
his candidacy for a Detroit-area Congressional seat official on Monday.

Justin McCarthy, a news analyst at Media Research Center, noted
the comments from "The View" hosts in a recent post on MRC’s blog

Goldberg said she’s a "big fan" of Kevorkian "because he believed
that he could help people who were in, in a place where no one was
helping them."

"Euthanasia, like race, is one of those things nobody wants to talk
about. It makes people very uncomfortable. I think euthanasia is,
is an important thing and it should be there for people to make that
decision if they chose to," she said.

Goldberg did not mention her belief about involuntary euthanasia,
where patients are frequently killed by family members or medical
staff without their knowledge or consent.

Joy Behar wondered: "Why is he a bad guy? I don’t understand it…it’s
over my head somewhere."

She went further than Goldberg in defending Kevorkian’s killing a
disabled patient.

Kevorkian has admitted to killing more than 130 people, including the
televised death of Thomas Youk, netting him a 25-year prison sentence.

"He helped a guy who had Lou Gehrig’s disease, take himself out of
this world because the guy was in excruciating terror," Behar said
in defending the murder that landed Kevorkian in jail for several
years before his parole.

"The thing about Kevorkian is that I don’t consider him a bad guy,"
she concluded.

During the show, Sherri Shepherd cracked a few crass jokes — most
notably about how Kevorkian could help presidential candidate John
McCain with "an exit strategy."

As is typically the case, pro-life host Elisabeth Hasselbeck was
the only one to speak up for the moral or ethical position on the
bioethics question.

"The lines get blurry if you’re dealing with someone who’s life is
almost in control, in someone else’s hands," she said. "You know,
there are a lot of things. There are a lot of gray areas in that
whole conversation."

Hasslebeck said she was worried about people who have control of the
finances of a patient wanting to end their lives in order to inherit
their possessions.

Karakhanian Suren:
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