Categories: News

Test By The Wind

Editor’s column

Azat Artsakh Daily
Published on March 29, 2008
NKR Republic

In children’s hospital, for example, there was no the elementary fuel
engine, which could supply an electricity. In many objects there
were no elementary fire-prevention means: a shovel, sand, etc. At the
same time it is necessary to note farourably the help and actions of
military subdivisions and subdivisions of services of extreme
situations. The municipality’s potential, both technical and human, has
been mobilized operatively. Certainly, it is necessary to give due
also to the management of the republic. The same day the management, by
the head of the President, from early morning has got acquainted with
the situation in capital, having visited the objects of vital
importance, as well as the most suffered buildings and streets. Then
they have left for Martuni, Hadrut and Askeran regions. During the
conversation with the President B.Sahakian, on my question how did the
republic withstand the test of natural calamity, the President answered
: "Generally, it is possible to ascertain, that both the management of
the republic and corresponding institutions reacted operatively on such
unprecedented disaster. This rigid, even severe practical examination
revealed weak sides of all spheres of our activity. It revealed not
only economic and organizational omissions, but also our positive
achievements. I am satisfied with the actions of military
subdivisions,services of extreme situation and fire-prevention.. I’m
dissatisfied with a condition of communication:the question has been
arisen, why in such situations when an electricity is turned off, it is
impossible to take an advantage of a radio communication for
maintaining relations with population? It is inadmissible to leave
population alone with natural or other calamity. The authority is
obliged to support citizens, my decision is conditioned by it " to be
next to people either in capital, or in Martuni, or in villages. ¦The
most important for us is the moral-psychological condition of people,
it should not be depressed." "I operate and I shall operate
following this principle, namely: people should feel and trust, that
they are always in the focus of the authorities attention, in their
care – here I want to emphasize -in fair care of authorities… "
Then the President mentioned today’s the most urgent question. "The
care, attention and validity really appear only in conditions of
reciprocity. How much these principles are obligatory for the
management of the country, so they are obligatory for citizens. The
only difference is, that an initiative and first steps should proceed
from authority. At present it is mentioned, that some part of the
population, may be majority, incorrectly understand a role of the state
in questions of rendering assistance to citizens suffered from
disaster, basically this is restoration or repair houses’ roofings.
Even rich states are not available to take completely on themselves the
expenses on rendering assistance to those, who suffer from disaster
We are not a rich country, besides, we have military problems with the
neighbour state¦ So the state is obliged to support those, who are
dissatisfied. Prosperous farmers, rich men should not only hope for the
state, and are obliged to assist their neighbours. All these are
consequences of absence of ideological and propaganda activities with a
society. In a society a principle of SOCIAL SOLIDARITY should be
urgently input". "I must emphasize, – said the President in the
end, – that all responsible persons who are guilty for neglects towards
their direct duties, they will be fairly punished Especially it
concerns the building organizations, firms and officials. Till now I
cannot calm down from that fact, that the wind has torn down roofings
of those houses, which had been repaired the year, two or three ago,
and furthermore newly built buildings ¦ "

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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