"Aliyev Fastens Fake Genocide On His People"


31 March, 2008

"Azerbaijan foul plays. It is part of the programme undertaken by
Baku in the process of Karabakh conflict regulation from breaking
the armistice to dissolving the Minsk group and taking the issue to
the UNO", announced Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian at the joint press
conference with the Head of AGO monitoring group.

"Azerbaijan’s foul-play is obvious. It is evidently Azerbaijan’s
step to avoid meeting the newly-elected president of Armenia at
the NATO summit in Bucharest on April 2-4. Azerbaijan distorts
the reality. The meeting was not initiated by Armenia. It was the
Co-Chairs’ initiative", explained Vartan Oskanian.

The Armenian FM is sure the conflict can be solved only through
negotiations which should be based on Karabakh people’s right to

Oskanian also commented on Ilham Aliyav’s assessment of Armenia’s
political situation. The latter had regarded it as chaotic. "Azerbaijan
had better mind its own political situation. It’s the last country
that can comment on Armenia’s home policy."

Over the last few days Azerbaijan has also been disseminating false
news that Armenians massacred Azeris on March 30 – April 1 in 1918. In
this respect, Vartan Oskanian says, "Azerbaijan is playing a dangerous
game. Its aim is to sow hatred in its people towards Armenians. They
want to settle the Karabakh conflict through a war. Such behaviour
should be immediately put an end to." Being a representative of a
nation that has experienced genocide, Mr. Oskanian advised Aliyev
not to fasten a fake genocide on his people, assuring him that coming
generations would never forgive the present government for its actions.

By the way, the leader of the AGO monitoring group, Per Sjogren also
assures that the disputed conflict has only one way of regulation
and that is through negotiations.