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Regulations Should Contribute To NKR People Freedom Right


18:30 31/03/2008

Today the Foreign Affairs Minister Vardan Oskanyan met with the
journalists and said that Azerbaijan refused the possible meeting
with the president of Armenia in the forthcoming NATO summit held
in Bucharest in 2-4 April. He said that Azerbaijan falsifies the
plans and data as the initiative of the meeting was not done by the
Armenian authorities.

"Armenia has never been asking for that meeting, the proposal was made
by the co-chairmen," stated the minister. He said that "Azerbaijan
started to play a dirty game the measures of which are taken by the
official Baku toward the regulation of the NKR issue started the
point when they broke the regime of armistice and shoot the border
line of the NKR and Azerbaijan".

According to V. Oskanyan Azerbaijan is misled as the regulation of
the NKR problem should be conducted only through negotiations and
"in the base of those negotiations should be pointed the freedom
right of the NKR people".

As for the inner political evaluation given by the president of
Azerbaijan Ilhaam Aliev after March 30, that if Armenia is in political
chaos, the minister mentioned that "It would be better Azerbaijan to
solve its political questions, as Azerbaijan is the last country in
the world to evaluate to inner political life of Armenia".

Kamalian Hagop:
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