Iran Planning To Shoot Anti-Christian Film


07.04.2008 13:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Stung by a Dutch lawmaker’s graphic documentary
depicting barbaric acts carried out in the name of Islam and
the Koran, an Iranian film organization says it is producing a
counter-documentary, "Beyond Fitna."

Iran’s FARS news agency reports the film focuses on "orders given
to worldwide Christians in the (distorted) version of the Bible for
stoking violence, committing genocide, attacking others, beheading
and burning women and children who have been taken into captivity."

The Iranian film announcement comes a week after far-right Dutch
politician Geert Wilders released his 17-minute film, "Fitna" in
the Web.

The release of "Fitna" on March 27 sparked noisy protests from Islamic
groups and leaders – some threatening Wilders with death – and the
United Nations and several nations called for the removal of the film
from video Web sites such as Google and YouTube, FOX News reports

Iranian parliament speaker Gholamali Haddadadel called on his country’s
citizens to boycott Dutch goods.

European states will leave the road if they see threat to their
economy," he said.