ArmInfo News Agency Took Part In All-Russian Internet Forum RIF- 200


2008-04-07 16:11:00

ArmInfo. ArmInfo news agency took part in All-Russian Internet Forum
RIF- 2008 held in rest home "Lesnye dali" located near Moscow, on
2-4 April.

Along with Russian and foreign experts as well as the following
representatives of state structures Arminfo took part in the work
organized jointly with "Golos Rossii" and RuCenter company of the
"Runet outside RU" section: Andrey Brukmann, director general of internet-portal; Emmanuil Mkrtchayn, director general
of ArmInfo news agency (Armenia); Yevgeniy Sklyarevskiy, observer
of ‘InfoCom’ magazine (Uzbekistan); Sergey Panteleev, director of
the Russian States Institute; Viktor Svintsov, editor-in-chief of
‘’ internet-portal; Andrey Vorabyev, leader of public
relations department of RuCenter company; Anton Kalinin, deputy
editor-in-chief of internet-broadcasting and multi media programmes
of "Golos Rossii" radio company. The main topics of the section
were: Russian language in Internet, Diaspora russian-language
internet communities, investment attractiveness and the state of the
Russian-language sites in abroad as well as their cultural, language
and social significance.

The experts emphasized the unifying role of the Russian language not
only in the multi-national Russia but also in the CIS and non-CIS
states. They told about the situation in Russian-language portals
of their states. Sergey Panteleev said that Russian communities are
disjunct in abroad, but Internet may become a unifying means for
their consolidation. Emmanuil Lazarian said that in Armenia there
is outflow of young audience from the Russian-language sites because
of Russian language losing its positions. Russian language is not an
obligatory subject at school any more and it loses its positions. As
a result of this we have a problem of the trained stuff selection to
work in the Russian-language content. And Russian-language content
being in demand in Armenia is provided first of all by existence of
numerous Russian community.

To note, the newly-elected Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev made
a speech at opening of the RIF and said that RU-net development is
"a joint task of the state, private business and everybody present
in this hall".