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Robert Kocharian: "Concessions To Fundamental Principles Are Out Of

By Ara Martirosian

AZG Armenian Daily

Karabakh issue

In the opening ceremony of a new head-office of "Ardshininvestbank"
RA President Robert Kocharian answered the questions on Armenian
foreign and domestic policy.

Answering the questions on Azerbaijani Foreign Minister~Rs recent
statements on Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement Robert Kocharian
mentioned that Azerbaijan used the inner political situation
of Armenia to influence upon negotiations of Karabakh conflict
settlement. According to the President, it should make Armenia to
answer from a position of firm policy and naturally, concessions to
fundamental principles are out of question. Azerbaijan will try to
take the opportunity, and we should understand that stability and
economic development of Armenia are the best guarantees of acting
from a position of strength.

At the same time, Robert Kocharian mentioned that he does not exclude
recognition of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh by Armenia and that
Armenian authorities can take the step any time.

The Armenian President mentioned that Azerbaijani attitude and its
latest steps make the Armenian side to be more decisive.

To the question if recognition of NKR by Armenia would bring to break
of negotiations and restart of war, Robert Kocharian answered that
there were two similar situations in the last 10 years and if not
drastic measures, the negotiations could have undesirable developments
for Armenia. Moreover, even if the developments take similar turn,
than, according to the President, we should not be afraid of it and
make concessions.

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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