A Number Of Trials Related To Election And Postelection Processes To


Noyan Tapan
April 9, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The court of Yerevan’s Kentron and
Nork-Marash communities has so far received 12 cases opened under
Article 316 of the RA Criminal Code (violence against a representative
of the authorities), NT correspondent was informed by spokeswoman for
the RA Cassation Court Alina Yengoyan. In particular, the trial of
Davit Hambartsumian is scheduled for April 11, that of Mesrop Zakarian
and Raji Petrosian – for April 14, the trial of Ruben Voskanian will be
held on April 16, and the trial of Sargis Abrahamian and Armen Avagian
– on April 17. The dates of other trials have not been decided yet.

According to the same source, the court sitting on the case of Hripsime
Haytian, chairwoman of the commission at polling station 22/21,
charged with the crime envisaged by the CC Article 150 (forgery of
election or voting result) is scheduled for April 10, 2:00 pm at the
Gegharkunik regional court. Simon Amirkhanian, presidential candidate
Levon Ter-Petrosian’s empowered person at polling station 22/18, and
Samel Karapetian, L. Ter-Petrosian’s empowered person in the commission
of electoral district No 22, are accused of assisting with the above
mentioned crime. The trial of Ashot Zakarian, Shota Saghatelian and
Petros Makeyan charged with the crime envisaged by the CC Article
149 part 2 points 3 and 5 (hindrance to the exercise of the right to
elect, which is accompanied by violence or threats to use violence)
will take place in the Shirak regional court on April 17, at 11 am.

The court examination of the case opened based on a fact of hooliganism
in the square of the city of Talin during the pre-election campaign
of L. Ter-Petrosian will continue in the court of Aragatsotn marz
on April 15, at 3 pm. On April 16, at 11 am the RA Criminal Appeal
Court will examine the appeal against the decision of Yerevan’s
Kentron and Nork-Marash communities, by which the chairman of the
electoral commission 9/31 Eduard Aghajanian was sentenced to two
years’ imprisonment.

The RA Administrative Court (chairman – Judge Hovsep Bedeyan) will
hold a preliminary sitting to examine the suit filed by four former
employees of the RA foreign ministry, who have