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Nina Hachigian and Gregory Rodriguez at the Glendale Public Library

Glendale Public Library
Chuck Wike, Community Relations Manager
222 East Harvard Street
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 548-2042

Authors Nina Hachigian and Gregory Rodriguez will speak at the Glendale
Public Library, 222 East Harvard Street, in Glendale, in celebration of
National Library Week.

Nina Hachigian will speak on Tuesday, April 15, 7 pm, about her book:
The Next American Century: How the U.S. Can Thrive as Other Powers Rise.

Nina Hachigian shows that while the "pivotal powers" (China, Europe, India,
Japan, and Russia) seek greater influence, each has an enormous stake in a
functioning world economy and a keen desire to thwart common threats. While
America must be prepared for the possibility that a hostile superpower may
one day emerge, it has to be careful not to turn a distant, uncertain threat
into an immediate one. Ms. Hachigian was a Senior Political Scientist at
RAND Corp. and the director of the RAND Center for Asia Pacific Policy and
has been on the staff of the National Security Council. She is a Sr. VP and
Director for California at the Center for American Progress, a progressive
think-tank dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through ideas and

Gregory Rodriguez will speak on Thursday, April 17, 7 pm, about his book:
Mongrels, Bastards, Orphans, and Vagabonds: Mexican Immigration and the
Future of Race in America.

Iconoclastic Los Angeles Times columnist Gregory Rodriguez’ book is a
provocative account of the long-term cultural and political influences that
Mexican Americans will have on the collective character of our nation. In
considering the largest immigrant group in American history, he examines the
complexities of its heritage and of the racial and cultural synthesis that
has defined the Mexican people since the sixteenth century. Former MSNBC
political analyst Rodriguez has written for The New York Times, The
Economist, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and Newsweek. He is
the Director of the California Fellows Program and a Senior Fellow at the
New America Foundation, a non-partisan public policy institute.

For more information about these free events call (818) 548-2042 or see the
Library website:

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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