Categories: News

"Armenia Has Powerful Audience"


17:51 11/04/2008

"This is my first visit to Armenia. Before arriving I was thinking
about the competition among the participants of the festival and the
musicians taking part in the festival. Now I can see that the level of
the competency is high enough and that all the participants are world
wide known artists," said Kshishtof Penderecki famous composer who
arrived in Armenia to take part in "21st perspectives" international
musical festival. He expressed his admiration towards the Armenian
Symphonic musical brand and the musical group of H. Chekichyan.

The famous musician’s wife Elzjbietta Penderecki said that she was
fond of "Hover" group and she plans to invite them to Poland to
participate in musical festival named after Beethoven in 2009. The
couple mentioned that they have achieved and got acquainted with good
Armenians and they will keep being in touch with them.

Another participant who arrived from France Mishel Letique said he was
impressed with the audience visiting the classical music festivals. "In
Europe only adults go to the classical music concerts, but here many
Armenian youth is coming," he said.

Chmshkian Vicken:
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