BAKU: Greek Ambassador To Azerbaijan: "We Support Azerbaijan’s Terri


Azeri Press Agency
April 11 2008

Baku. Arzu Yagubova -APA. Themistoclis Dimidis, Ambassador of Greece
to Azerbaijan gave an interview to APA.

-President of Azerbaijan is planning to visit Greece this year. Visit
of the Greek Parliament’s Speaker to Azerbaijan is also on the
agenda. Do you have information about the dates of these visits?

-Regarding to the visit of Azerbaijani President to Greece, I can say
that Greek side has suggested realizing it in the middle of November
this year. I know that the Speaker of Greek Parliament has accepted
the invitation to visit Azerbaijan. Exact dates of the visits will
be made public after the mutual agreements on that.

-Which positive impact does Ilham Aliyev’s visit have on the
development of bilateral relations?

-Official visits are always important for the bilateral relations
between the countries. Documents signed as a result of these visits
promote intensifying of bilateral ties. I think Ilham Aliyev’s upcoming
visit will also contribute to further development of both political
and economic relations between Greece and Azerbaijan.

-Can we say that Greek-Azerbaijani relations are in the period of
high development?

-Political relations between Greece and Azerbaijan are quite enough
higher. Greece supports Azerbaijan’s integration into the European
institutions. We are continuing to support Azerbaijan in the Council
of Europe too. Both countries are closely cooperating within the
regional organizations like Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

Unfortunately, the level of economic relations does not meet the
existing potential and we have to work in this direction. Greek
Minister of Economic Development K. Folias’s visit to Azerbaijan
last month was a serious step toward this. Speaking figuratively,
doors are open for the mutual useful cooperation. Our cooperation
has not to be restricted by the energy sector only. The development
of trade and restored energy fields are also included in our plans.

Establishing of the Business Council will also make our countries

-In which phase is the establishing process of the council?

-This idea was put forward by the Minister of Economic Development
of Greece K. Folias in Baku and it is in the phase of negotiations now.

Azerbaijani Ministry of Economic Development is working on this
issue. The discussions are going on and I have no details about the
present phase. I only know that the Greek side has submitted to the
Azerbaijani Ministry of Economic Development analogical projects
signed with other countries. Azerbaijani officials are studying
these documents and I hope they will give appropriate respond in the
near future.

-There are not many Greek companies in Azerbaijan. How do you
explain it?

I take this fact into account talking about the economic relations.

One of the reasons is that Azerbaijan is not known in Greece well. It
has reasons. For example, Azerbaijani Embassy in Greece was opened in
2004. It is not much period to inform Greeks about Azerbaijan. Greek
businessmen invest capital in the countries, which they know well.

For example, Near East and Middle East, as well as Balkan States. I
think that if Greek businessmen have much information about Azerbaijan,
they will invest capital in Azerbaijan.

-Greece has supported Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity in
Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. What about Athens’ position on the
conflict at present?

Our position is clear and we have stated it several times. We support
Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and negotiations process within
the framework of OSCE MG. We support negotiations on the level of
the Presidents. Greece supports peaceful solution to the conflict.

-How do you evaluate discussion of this issue in the international
organizations, including UN?

Azerbaijan is an independent country and it can raise its problem in
the UN. I have not right to say something about Azerbaijan’s foreign
policy. I think that Azerbaijan has right to pursue independent
foreign policy as a sovereign country.

-How will be the solution to the conflict within the framework of UN,
EU in comparison with OSCE?

I can only say that this is in the capasity of Azerbaijani
government. Azerbaijan has its position on it and the problem will
be solved in accordance with its position. I cannot say about the
ways of solution to the conflict on behalf of Azerbaijan.

-How was Greece’s position on the resolution on Occupied Territories
of Azerbaijan in UN General Assembly?

Greece’s position on this issue was neutral as 26 countries of EU,
except France. I want to touch upon several technical factors, whilst
speaking about this issue. EU countries form common position before
consideration of such issues within the framework of international
organizations. Greece’s position was neutral in accordance with common
position of EU countries.