Categories: News

HSBC Opens New Branch In Yerevan


11.04.2008 18:11

Zeitun, both in Yerevan. Now, seven months later, there is cause for
further celebration. HSBC on April 14 the Bank Armenia CJSC opens
another new branch: "Garegin Njdeh" at 14 Bagratunyants Avenue in
Yerevan. The Bank will mark the occasion by hosting a reception at
the new Garegin Njdeh branch to be attended by prominent guests
from the Central Bank of Armenia, HSBC Armenia local management,
staff and journalists.

The new branch brings the total number of fully-licensed HSBC Branches
in the capital of Armenia to six, supported by four mini branches and
39 ATMs operational by the end of first Quarter 2008. The bank will
continue its expansion during 2008, opening two more retail branches
as well as investing in ATM and other IT systems.

In 2008 HSBC plans to launch Internet banking which will take customer
service to a new level.

Nanijanian Alex:
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