Labour Fair On Banking And Finances Held In Yerevan


April 11, 2008

YEREVAN, April 11. /ARKA/. The Career Centre of Yerevan
State University is holding a labour fair aiming to stimulate
employer-employee relations in the banking sphere.

Armenian newly appointed Prime Minister Tigran Sargssyan, formerly
the chairman of the central bank of Armenia, said the event is a
highly important signal testifying that professionalism is valued
in Armenia, a problem, which has already been solved in the banking
sphere, Tigran Sargssyan said.

The Prime Minister believes cooperation between employees and students
could develop in two directions – either an organization works with the
most competitive higher education institution to raise the education
quality or it assists most talented students offering them jobs on
their graduation.

"Time will show which of these models fits Armenia most. We must
realize that the only way to get rich and make a career in our country
is to gain knowledge," the premier said.

Companies which have vacancies at the moment, VTB, ProCreditBank,
Haypost and others, are participating in the fair.

Besides, a series of discussions are to be held on the following
subjects "Targeted Mortgage Programs for Youth", "Current Stage of
Armenian Capital Market Development", "Banking and Financial Sector
Development and Educational Reform Challenges".