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New Premier Introduced To Armenian Government


Interfax News Agency
April 10 2008

President Serzh Sargsyan introduced newly appointed Prime Minister
Tigran Sargsyan to the national government on Thursday.The appointment
was made on April 9, and the Armenian parliament accepted Sargsyan’s
resignation from the position of the Central Bank chairman earlier
in the day.

The government will fulfill ambitious plans under the guidance of
the new premier, the president said. The new premier said he favored

The president thanked the government for the joint work. He also
signed an ordinance, which dismissed the incumbent government, on
April 9. Incumbent ministers will perform their duties until a new
government is formed.

Sargsyan was inaugurated for president on April 9.

In line with the Armenian constitution, the new government will be
formed within 20 days of the appointment of the new premier.

Tigran Sargsyan was born in Kirovakan (currently Vanadzor) on January
29, 1960. He is married, with two children. He is not a party member.

Sargsyan is a reserve officer. He graduated from the Voznesensky
Finance and Economics Institute in Leningrad in 1983 and did post-
graduate studies at the International Law Institute in Washington
and the World Bank’s Economic Development Institute.

Sargsyan was the chairman of the Association of Armenian Banks in
1995-1998 and chaired the Central Bank in March 1998 – April 2008.

Hunanian Jack:
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