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People Created Their World Which Is Not Drawn On The Map

Anahit Danielyan

11-04-2008 10:52:59

Tsaghkaberd, Hagari, Van, Kovsakan… the settlements with these
familiar names are in the south of the region of Kashatagh. Only after
getting in touch with the people of the villages of the valley of the
rivers Vorotan and Hagari, living the life which they live one feels
the degree of their heroism. To live here is already a heroic deed,
especially that a person comes to this place to reconstruct it.

Hardly anyone knows the people who live there. Hardly anyone knows that
the legendary monastery curved inside a mountain, Kronk, is three km
from Tsaghkaberd. The monastery is surrounded by deep caverns which
sheltered people in times of war. We celebrate religious holidays at
Kronk, says Jora Ghazaryan who lives in Tsaghkaberd.

Hardly anyone knows that the school of the village of Hagari is almost
a cultural center for the entire region. It only needs repair. The
director of the school Armen Movsisyan says the school will prove
its role.

Modern writers of Artsakh perhaps do not know that in the south of
Kashatagh nobody knows about them and reads them. Not because they
have no wish but because the books of Artsakh authors are not sent
to the libraries of the schools. The libraries of schools get any
book except those by Artsakh authors.

Those who are fond of reading newspapers do not know that the town
of Kovsakan has a regional newspaper, the Kovsakani Azdak, where one
finds not only stories but also ads and congratulations. In other
words, a real urban newspaper. Besides, the town has its emblem.

People have created their own world which is not drawn on the globe.

Certainly, some people leave this place, Jora Grigoryan says,
"someone became rich or could not get used to living here". Besides,
people leave because of the attitude of the government.

And those who stay continue to live here, work the land, sow and
harvest a good harvest because one needs no glasses to see the
possibilities for developing agriculture in Kashatagh.

Karagyozian Lena:
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