ANC-SF: ADL’s Abe Foxman Disputes Criticism on Armenian Genocide


Armenian National Committee
San Francisco – Bay Area
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ADL’s Abe Foxman Disputes Criticism on Armenian Genocide Position

Monday April 7, 2008 – Responding to a question about the
Anti-Defamation League’s reluctance to unequivocally recognize the
Armenian Genocide, Abe Foxman, National Director of the ADL said, "…No
one can dictate to you to use the word that you want us to use. We will
use the words that we feel comfortable with."

Foxman’s statement was part of a somewhat rambling answer to a question
posed at the conclusion of a speech in San Francisco related to his
book, "Deadliest Lies: The Israel Lobby and the Myth of Jewish Control."
The speech took place at the Jewish Community Center. Foxman spoke
about international anti-Semitism directed towards Jews and Israel. He
repeatedly condemned and called for an end to the use of racist,
anti-Jewish euphemisms.

The first question posed to Foxman asked why he has chosen to use
euphemisms in regard to the Armenian Genocide. Foxman prefaced his
response by informing the audience that some people are not happy with
the Anti-Defamation League’s position the issue of the Armenian
Genocide, and he went on to state that the issue should be resolved
between Turks and Armenians. (Full text below.)

After years of lobbying against Armenian Genocide recognition in
Congress and refusing to unequivocally acknowledge the Armenian
Genocide, Foxman’s position was publicized last year in the New England
media, prompting a public outcry which included conflict among ADL
officials. As a result, on August 21, the ADL published an ad in several
Boston-area community newspapers, stating in part, "In light of the
heated controversy that has surrounded the Turkish-Armenian issue in
recent weeks, and because of our concern for the unity of the Jewish
community at a time of increased threats against the Jewish people, ADL
has decided to revisit the tragedy that befell the Armenians. We have
never negated but have always described the painful events of 1915-1918
perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians as massacres and
atrocities. On reflection, we have come to share the view of Henry
Morgenthau Sr. that the consequences of those actions were indeed
tantamount to genocide. If the word genocide had existed then, they
would have called it genocide."

Although some applauded the ADL’s new position, it also prompted
criticism for it’s use of the qualifier "tantamount," and the term
`consequences of those actions" suggesting the Armenian Genocide was not
carried out with the intent to destroy a people, as defined by the U.N.
and the 1948 Genocide Convention.

The ADL has also recently reiterated its opposition to U.S. recognition
of the Armenian Genocide, as well as Turkey’s call for an "impartial
study" of the Armenian Genocide. Turkey has repeatedly called for a
"historical commission," despite it’s prime minister’s statements that
Turks could never have committed a genocide, and its continued criminal
prosecutions of citizens who discuss the Armenian Genocide.

Turkish press has reported that the ADL wrote to Turkish Prime Minister
Erdogan, expressing its sorrow for the discomfort the acknowledgement of
the Armenian Genocide caused Turkey’s leadership and people. Erdogan
announced, `The wrong step that has been taken is corrected … They said
they shared our sensitivity and expressed the mistake they made [and]
will continue to give us all the support they have given so far.’

The national ADL’s position on the Armenian Genoicde runs counter to the
position of a wide range of Jewish organizations in the Bay Area. In
November, 2007, the San Francisco Bay Area’s Jewish Community Relations
Council re-iterated its support for official recognition of the Armenian
Genocide. As the Jewish community’s public affairs arm, the JCRC
represents more than 80 Jewish organizations across the Bay Area. The
organization, which includes the membership of the San Francisco chapter
of the ADL, overwhelmingly approved a policy statement re-issuing a
1989 letter to Armenian community leader Bishop Aris Shirvanian,
expressing support for the Armenian Genocide resolution pending in the
U.S. Senate at that time. Senate Joint Resolution 212 sought to
designate April 24th as a national day of remembrance of the Armenian

Foxman’s full answer to the question about his position on the Armenian
Genocide was:
"The question is, this is a public issue, a public debate. There are
people out there who are not happy with the Anti-Defamation League’s
position on the issue of the Armenian Genocide. To reply to your
question, the Anti-Defamation League, has for as many year as I know,
and I’ve been involved for 43 years in the league and its director for
21 years, has always described, the events of 1915-1918, between Turkey
and/in the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian people as a massacre, as a
terrible tragedy, and an issue, that, it should be resolved between the
Turkish people and the Armenian people.

We never denied it… We never challenged or questioned… We didn’t
use the words that you use… And it’s not a moral question of, to use
your words. We could use your words. Usually a certain word becomes a
political issue. And it would be as if we, the Jewish people, would say
to you or everybody else, ‘Unless you use the word [Shoah] and Holocaust
to describe the events of 1933-1945, unless you use our words, you are a
Holocaust denier.’ That’s nonsense. We have used the word. We have
used it in the context of what we believe in applying it. But we have
never, never, in terms of an organization, and a people, denied the
tragedy, of the massacre. But we haven’t used the word that you want to
use. And you use this, and this is for all you here now, not only to
accuse us, but to point to the Anti-Defamation league, to prevent us
from teaching diversity, I think that’s wrong. But we’ve all, you know,
wanted to share the pain. But no one can dictate to you to use the word
that you want us to use. We will use the words that we feel comfortable
with. And we’ve used the word genocide… And so now it’s, "Not only do
you have to use the word, but you have to support legislation in
Congress,’ which we don’t, and we don’t, we’re "immoral," etc. And we
have articulated our position. I’ve used the word genocide… Some
people don’t like exactly how we’ve formulated it, but that’s what makes
this country a democracy. And we have never denied it, we don’t deny
it, but again you don’t have a right to dictate to us how the word
should be formed, in what manner, and what shape…"

Flyers detailing the ADL’s position on the Armenian Genocide, which were
being distributed on the sidewalk in front of the Jewish Community
Center, were destroyed by security guards.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS