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Who are relatives of Armenia


16:52 12/04/2008


How do you treat that some international bodies and
organizations are concerned with the situation of the
human rights protection in Armenia and propose some
changes? Deputy Republican Armen Ashotyan answered to
Panorama.am reporter current question as followed: `We
should differentiate the sides of those concerns, from
one hand they may be treated as fair and positive
initiatives and from the other hand exploiting the
foreign affairs interference. The democracy should not
become a tool which turns the Armenian politics up
down or opposite.’

To the question whether he could differentiate who
wishes best and worst to Armenia, he answered `For
example the concerns of `International Crisis Group’,
`Freedom House’, `Human Rights Watch’ are not fair,
but the concerns and proposals of Council of Europe
but not its chief secretariat, European Union, and
European Committee are quite fair and justified to
create democratic reforms in the country.’

Source: Panorama.am

Nalbandian Albert:
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