Renovation Of Education


18-04-2008 10:46:19

Why does Karabakh pay for the education of young lawyers at Armenian
universities if annually several dozens of lawyers graduate from
Artsakh State University? The chair of the NKR National Assembly
Committee of Social Affairs Arpat Avanesyan asked this question to
the minister of education.

The question is logical but does not presuppose a logical answer
from the minister of education. The higher education policy was not
developed by the current minister, who works, in fact, and cares for
his work.

Therefore, Prime Minister Ara Harutiunyan answered this question who
said they have invited the minister of education of Armenia (he did
not say who exactly) and they are going to discuss where to lead the
system of education.

"Otherwise, in a few years Armenia may not accept the diploma of
Karabakh," said Member of Parliament Arthur Tovmasyan, the dean
of one of the departments of Artsakh State University. He advised
to introduce the credit system but first to hold training for the
university teachers. The minister of education said in the next meeting
of government the draft decision of the government on introduction
of the credit system from September 1 will be discussed.

Member of Parliament Romella Dadayan, director of School N 1 of
Stepanakert, reminded that a university cannot be good unless the
school is good. She proposed setting up boards of trustees at schools,
a non-profit body which would maintain the relation between the
school and parents and seek assistance for the school. The minister
announced that in Armenia the process of reorganizing schools into
state non-profit organizations has already begun, and soon we will
also launch this process which involves setting up boards of trustees.

The issue of education is apparently becoming the most urgent issue
in Karabakh. The day before the question and answer session of the
parliament the issue was discussed at the government, in parliament
most questions were asked to the minister of education. Renovation
of this sphere has started but since everything is done for
the first time, almost blindly, the renovation may end up with
demolition. Especially that we are used to sudden movements and
forcible methods of solution of problems.