Armenian President Keen To Purge Customs Service Of Corrupt Official


Public TV
April 17 2008

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has strongly criticized the work of
the State Customs Committee while meeting the leadership of this body
on 17 April. Sargsyan said that only those specialists who will serve
the state honestly should work in the customs sphere. "All those who
are not ready to carry out their duties diligently can say goodbye to
the system. There cannot be any bodies, individuals in our country,
who will have an opportunity to put pressure upon customs bodies,
or who can take up a risk of smuggling," the president said at the
meeting. The following is text of report by state-owned Armenian
Public TV on 17 April

[Presenter] President Serzh Sargsyan today discussed with the leaders
of the State Customs Committee the issue of clearing the customs system
of dishonest staff and the issue of fighting smuggling decisively. The
leader of the country said that people who communicate with customs
officials are rightly infuriated with the corruption and protectionism
that prosper in this area. Sargsyan believes a strict struggle against
the so-called "left" wallets is a priority when a wallet is opened for
a 95-year-old man from some region if he has an enterprise with a flow
of billions of drams, but a few weeks or months later this enterprise
naturally closes down and the traces disappear. The president is sure
that some people in the customs [committee] know who specifically is
engaged with ‘left’ wallets, but are taking no measures.

[Correspondent] President Serzh Sargsyan has strongly criticized
the work of this entity while meeting the leadership of the State
Customs Committee under the government of Armenia. Prime Minister
Tigran Sargsyan, the chief of presidential staff, Armen Gevorgyan, and
other officials attended the meeting as well. First, the president
mentioned that, along with its professional qualification, the
customs [committee] more often cause indignation among the people
who communicate with the system.

[President Serzh Sargsyan] For all those who are more or less
acquainted with the work of the customs bodies, it is clear that
today’s customs bodies essentially differ from those of several years
ago in terms of their professional qualification, the availability of
equipment, and of course, and in the first instance – by carrying out
their obligations in respect of the state budget. This is undoubtedly
an achievement, but unfortunately at the same time evil phenomena have
prospered in society as well – corruption, protectionism, arrogant
attitudes. This undoubtedly hampers the development of our economy and
causes justified anger among all those who communicate with the system.

[Correspondent] According to Serzh Sargsyan, only those specialists
who will serve the state honestly should work in the customs sphere.

[Sargsyan] All those who are not ready to carry out their duties
diligently can say goodbye to the system. There cannot be any bodies,
individuals in our country, who will have an opportunity to put
pressure upon customs bodies, or who can take up a risk of smuggling.

[Correspondent] According to the president’s assessment, smuggling
is equal to receiving an income without working, which damages the
economy and creates unequal conditions, and entrepreneurship becomes
a torture for a diligent entrepreneur. While touching upon the issue
of the measure of commodity prices, the so-called control prices,
Sargsyan said that the customs bodies do not have the right to wilfully
change prices every week. Any person who deals with business should
have the opportunity to get acquainted with all the control prices at
any moment at the website of the customs body. The prices presented
by the importer should be declared. Sargsyan said he believes that
if the state cooperates normally with the customs bodies, it will
not lose any luma [1/100th of the Armenian currency – dram].

[Sargsyan] All control prices should be on your websites. Any person
dealing with business in Armenia has the right to know at any moment
at what price one pencil is imported into Armenia. This should be
clear to all of us. I know, you can tell reasons, you will tell
this pencil is of the second category, one is of the first category,
the other of the fourth category, one is produced in this country,
the other – in another country. I understand these problems, so you
place the prices for the four categories.

[Correspondent ] To learn about the cases of smuggling within the last
quarter, the president addressed senior officials in the department
for combating smuggling.

[Sargsyan] Who is from the department for fighting smuggling? Take
a seat. How much smuggled commodities did you disclose in this quarter?

[An unidentified official] Sixty cases of smuggling were discovered
this quarter.

[Sargsyan] What is the amount for the smuggling cases? 100,000 drams,
150,000 drams?

[Unidentified official] To tell you the truth, I do not know.

[Sargsyan] So how do you work if you do not know? The result of your
work should be it. If you do not know the result of your work, so how
do you work? Those who outstep the threshold will be held accountable.

[Correspondent] Serzh Sargsyan expressed confidence that many of
the sphere’s representatives already know who is involved in drug
smuggling, but do not take measures. The president attaches importance
to the struggle against importing other commodities which are treated
the same as those not subject to customs fees and VAT. He said recent
checks have discovered numerous such cases. "I am sure that such
things are impossible without the involvement of customs officials,"
the president of the country said.

[Sargsyan] We should go down the route of self-cleaning. We should
raise the quality of the service provided. With its work, the customs
[committee] is obliged to contribute to the development of business in
Armenia. One huge area in the perfeceting of our business environment
is yours.

[Correspondent] Sargsyan demanded from the customs leaders that
they pay great attention to the problem when temporary imports are
registered, commodities are imported into the republic, which are
allegedly processed and exported. The president said smuggling is
in fact being legalized and this covers dozens of billions of drams,
which our country needs much.

[Sargsyan] All of us should live in a normal country, where one
can engage in business without complications. All studies show that
small and medium businesses are those who face difficulties first and
foremost. No big businessman has any problems in Armenia, especially
with the customs sphere. Does it suggest anything to you? We are
saying: "Create equal conditions", "Equal conditions for everyone"
– this is our task.

[Correspondent] The president of the country also said that
accomplishing the re-equipment program is a priority. This foresees
the improvement of the working culture of the customs [committee]
and civilized rules of communicating with people. Zaruhi Arzumanyan,
Arman Gharibyan, Vardan Petrosyan, Haylur.