Karabakh Precedent For Small Sovereign States


18.04.2008 19:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Long before Kosovo was on the international agenda,
it was mountainous Karabakh that challenged Stalin’s legacy and offered
a constitutional, juridical and legal reversal of that legacy through
a referendum, member of Armenian delegation to PACE, Heritage party
leader Raffi K. Hovannisian said in his address to PACE spring session.

"It was the first step in the decolonisation of the Soviet Union and
it is in this forum that one day an Azerbaijani colleague will stand
up and say that responsibility is collective. When we talk about
refugees and internally displaced persons and about territorial and
security issues and suffering, the issues belong to all of us and not
to any of us separately. Maybe they will say that we, too, erred in
launching a war of aggression against Karabakh’s liberty instead of
talking to its leaders and its people. Maybe that day will come to
pass, beginning here, in this Chamber," he said.

"Despite the war of aggression unleashed upon mountainous Karabakh
by Azerbaijan – a conflict that has cast untold loss, suffering and
destinies of displacement upon hundreds of thousands of human beings
on both sides – neither Karabakh nor any Armenian delegates have
ever abused that pain for the repeated assertion of polemical and
devious arguments relating to refugees, internally displaced persons,
"occupied" territories and a variety of other familiar talking
points. Its manifest, therefore, that the true precedent for small
contemporary sovereignties is indeed mountainous Karabakh."

"The case in point is mountainous Karabakh or Artsakh which, on the eve
of the Berlin Wall’s fall into history and long before Kosovo became
current, heralded a new era of liberty, legality and democracy for the
republics and other administrative entities of the Soviet Union. The
citizens of Karabakh spearheaded the decolonisation of the Union
of Soviet Socialists Republics by declaring their independence in a
referendum held in strict compliance with international and controlling
Soviet laws. In determining to master their future they triggered the
long-overdue process of democratic correction of Stalin’s legacy,
which continues to haunt many freedom-loving people to this day,"
he said, PACE communication unit reported.

According to Heritage party’s press office, Mr Hovannisian will
leave Strasbourg for Serbia and Kosovo to participate in the NATO PA
regional mission.