Serbian Leadership Ready For Dialogue With Kosovo Albanians


22.04.2008 13:39 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and Serbian
President Boris Tadic arrived in New York for Monday’s closed door
meeting of the UN Security Council.

Thaci told reporters he was satisfied with the session and that was
important that as many countries as possible from the European Union,
UN and NATO recognize his country’s independence.

"The situation in Kosovo is changing for the better.

We are building a multi-ethnic society and invite all Serbs to join
the process. We are aspired for the EU, NATO and other international
organizations. Pristina reaches out a friendly hand to Belgrade,"
he said when addressing the session, as an individual.

Reiterating readiness for dialogue with Kosovo Albanians, Serbia’s
President Tadic, however, expressed concern over the quiet reaction
from the UN after the unilateral declaration.

He also asked the UN to stop the transfer of UNMIK’s powers to
Pristina institutions and urged the resumption of negotiations between
Pristina and Belgrade in order to find a new, sustainable and mutually
acceptable solution "to remedy the situation created by the unilateral
decision of interim Kosovo institutions."

Tadic said Kosovo Serbs did not trust authorities in Pristina, nor
would they cooperate with a mission of European Union police and
justice officials (EULEX) that plans to formally take over from the
United Nations in June, ITAR-TASS reports.