Armenian Youth Of Russia Protests Against Turkish Diplomatic Mission


2008-04-23 18:04:00

ArmInfo. The youth of the Union of Armenians of Russia (UAR) qualifies
the reception at the Turkish embassy on April 24 as intentional
sacrilege and calls on foreign countries’ ambassadors to boycott the
event which insults the memory of 1.5 mln innocent victims of the
Armenian Genocide.

The UAR youth’s statement sent to ArmInfo says that on April 24, 1915,
the Turkish authorities arrested and savagely killed the best sons of
Armenian people, the elite of intellectuals. Armenians were massacred
in their Motherland – Western Armenia. Carrying out their plan of
ethnic cleansing, the Turkish authorities ordered to exterminate
Armenians. Neither women, nor children, nor elderly people were
spared. Over 1 500 000 people were killed.

The rest became refugees all over the world. Cities and villages of
the country, the area of which was 10 times as large as the one of
modern Armenia, became empty. The international community condemned
this monstrous misdeed. Russia, France, Germany, Canada, Switzerland,
the Netherlands, Belgium, Uruguay, Cyprus, Greece, Lebanon, Italy,
Argentina, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Venezuela and other countries
fixed with state acts their position of recognition and condemnation
of the Armenian Genocide committed by Turkey. However, even now that
93 years have passed since the tragedy, Turkey itself has no desire
to recognize the fact of the Armenian Genocide it committed. Only
condemnation of the crime can prevent similar crimes.

"The solemn reception to be organized by the Turkish ambassador on
April 24, the Day of Grief is intentional sacrilege. We appeal to you
not to participate in the provocative event which insults the memory
of 1.5 mln innocent victims", the statement says.