President: "Scientific Field Reasonable For Everyone"

17:42 25/04/2008

The notion of scientific titles is under serious danger in Armenia. The
number of scientific candidates is too big in the country, said the
president of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan during the annual summit of the
Academy of National Sciences.

"Today very often we hear complains on the inappropriate level of
the scientific specialties.

First country itself has not paid much attention on this issue, and
second, some so-called scientists have ignored their mission and were
lost," said the president.

According to the president appropriate staff strategy should be drafted
to solve the problem. He also mentioned that for many male students
doing PhD has become a way to escape from army service and he notified
that this current question is ignored by the scientists themselves.

Serzh Sargsyan said that the most important reform to be held is to
create such educational system which is available not only for our
compatriots but for foreigners, also.