Categories: News

Will You Uproot My Tongue?


[06:57 pm] 23 April, 2008

Today Armenian journalist Gayane Arustamian held a protest action near
the Matenadaran. She was accompanied by RA citizen Lala Aslikian. The
protesters voiced complaint against genocides and murders. Over ten
policemen watched the women’s action at the head of Ruben Melkonian.

The protesters were holding a poster with an English inscription,
"How can you prevent genocide?" At first the policemen didn’t interfere
with them as they didn’t understand the English sentence. Soon they
got indignant seeing the second poster with an Armenian inscription,
"What is the cost of the ten murdered people?" They finally flew into
a rage after the protesters raised the third poster: "April 24, 1915:
Taliat, Jemal, Enver. March 1, 2008: Robert, Serzh, Arthur."

"How dare you instill hatred? Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself,
you are my daughter’s age," said one of the policemen.

The moment the protesters were answering journalists’ questions,
the policemen grasped the posters and tore them off.

"You can tear off the posters but you cannot uproot my tongue,"
said Gayane Arustamian. She left the site in triumph.

Karakhanian Suren:
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